Sunday, March 11, 2012

Easy Jazz

Was it easy for you?
To let go and step off?
Was it easy for you to let yourself be taken away from us?

You were always the jazz
That filled our lives.
And always be a constant hum
Left in our ears now that you're gone.

You're presence is unseen,
But surely there.
For anytime we hear that far away hum
The feeling of everything you were
Everything you are
Surrounds us still.

I hope you rest easy,
I hope your trip was smooth,
But remember us tenderly
Until our time comes.

Then be there when we join you
And play your jazz loud
We'll see you again someday
So continue to be our muse.

Rest in Peace
Peter Wells

Monday, February 13, 2012

Long time No Quilt

Well that title isn't fully true. I have quilted some since the last time I posted, but no where near as much as I had hoped. School and illness got in the way for the most part. But now I'm back on track. And I am currently working on two different quilts. One my cousin commissioned which is going to be a zebra pinwheel design (which I do have a photo of the sample). I will be working on that and finishing it up this week. I can't wait til it's finished I'm so excited.

The other quilt I'm working on is a mystery quilt for my love. We will be celebrating our second year together in a week and so I made him choose two fabrics and I am going to make the quilt from that. I'm not 100% sure on the design yet but I will be working on that tonight. I will post pictures as soon as I can, I promise.

As for the picture for the zebra print one here you go...

And here's a picture of what it will hopefully look like in the end

Thursday, January 26, 2012

To my nieces

Watch them grow
Watch them live
See the child within.

Sweet laughter
Dreams so big
Adventures just waiting to begin.

And one day when they look back at this
Will they know what joy they brought
To I, the one so jealous of their glee.

Oh my sweet little joys
I can't wait to see who you become
Can't wait to see all your joys and live through them.